Freelance Product Designer Specializing in Enterprise Saas and Mobile App Design

• Available for work

a desktop mockup that showcase a weguide dashboard screen

Enterprise Saas

Client portal redesign with redefined navigation and intuitive new UI

A client portal for healthcare professionals effectively manage programs, engage participants, and analyze the collected data.

White-labeled app

Design system with cohesive visual language and unified experience

The white-labeled participant app enables businesses to have their own branding while engaging their patients or trial participants.

Marketing Website

Website redesign with new brand identity and persuasive languages

A strong online presence that broadens the product audience and raises brand recognition.

Responsive design

Clinical trial search platform redesign with high conversion user flow

A clinical trials search platform powered by AI, connecting patients with the latest clinical trials.

Other people describe me as detail-oriented and always deliver on time

I've worked with a lot of designers over the past few years but MengChi is something else. She has a great eye for detail, works very structured and is highly creative. She finds a good balance between design that is user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing. If you're looking to design a software product from scratch or do a re-design of your existing product, MengChi is the person to hire.

Head of Product

With a very can-do attitude and willingness to explore, MengChi's designs always bring a wow factor that impresses people internally and client-facing.
It's been an absolute pleasure working with MengChi, as she is easy to communicate with, very reliable and has a bubbly personality!

BDM & Marketing Coordinator

MengChi has a strong understanding of current design best practices. She is particularly skilled with research and design systems and has been a valuable addition to our team! I would gladly recommend MengChi for all design and research projects!

Reena Goyal

Head of Customer Success

MengChi was dedicated to the work assigned. She was result-oriented, professional, and sincere.

Chief Executive Officer

Mengchi is an excellent UI/UX designer, known for her talent, teamwork, and responsible work ethic. She has exceptional design skills and creativity, producing high-quality work in the field of UI/UX design.She works well with others and is always willing to lend a helping hand, making her a valuable team player.
She takes her responsibilities seriously and pays close attention to detail, ensuring that her work meets the highest standards.

Senior Frontend Developer

In addition to her knowledge of diverse types of systems, MengChi always brings creativity, attention to detail, and best practices. She's also consistent in meeting deadlines and communicating with the team. Working with her was a pleasure!

Product manager

MengChi was highly respected for her high quality product design skills.She is a dedicated professional with the ability to produce designs that are highly appreciated by her clients. She is a keen listener, pays attention to detail and is not afraid to bring in fresh ideas to make her work outstanding.MenhChi is very passionate about her product design work. She is very keen to share her knowledge with others and she always looks for ways of improving delivery practices with her colleagues.

Lead Project Manager

MengChi is always creative, attentive to detail, and consistent in meeting deadlines.

Hadrian D'Souza

Chief Technolgy Officer

MengChi is a great blend of critical thinking, visual design expertise, attention to detail and a really conscientious attitude. She’s a great collaborator and I would happily work with her again.

Strategic Designer

I am a doctor who stumbled on design…

Welcome to my space

Hey, I am MengChi!

I am thrilled to have you here! I was a clinician for 4 years before I got my first design position on Twitter in 2021. Ever since then, I fell in love with the fast-paced tech industry. I value innovation and problem-solving and am committed to making a positive impact through my work.

I am active on Twitter, LinkedIn and dog park 🐕

Say hi_

WeGuide patient engagement client portal

A client portal for healthcare professionals effectively manage programs, engage participants, and analyze the collected data. The interface makes it easy to access relevant resources, and for stakeholders to track progress.

⚠️ Due to privacy reasons, limited screens can be shown here.

Project Goal

Redesign the client portal to reduce time and effort to onboard new clients.

Users are confident to setup program, create engagements and enroll real participants to collect data.

Project Timeframe

Apr. 2022 - Jan 2023

Project is still not yet finished and developed.
The first milestone is user testing, which took place during Dec 2022 - Jan 2023

Role & Responsibilities

Product designer

I was the only designer, hence I collaborated closely with head of product, producing work ranging from leading research and executing design to prototyping and writing testing script.

Project focus

🗼 Redefined information architecture

🎨 Redesigned user interfaces

🌊 Restructured user flows

Design process

1 Uncover the unknown known

Understand the product ecosystem, current status quo, and the current solutions to the user goals.

2 Explore the known unknown

Conduct competitor analysis to understand how others solve user problems and finding similar patterns in other tools.

3 Establish new information architecture

Ensure new information architecture mirrored the product underlying database relationship. This ensure the product scalability.

4 Restructure the main user flow

Map out the new desired flow that aligned with user’s mental model to navigate in the new platform architecture.

5 Redesign new user interfaces

Explore different layout options to correctly convey effective messaging and allow users to take control while achieving goals.

Key results

Six user testings yielded an average user friendly score of 8/10.

Learnings & insights

Segmenting users by portal experience improved our understanding of their behavior during tests.

✅ · Power users expect things to behave in a certain way due to formed habits.

🦮 · Despite the fact that there are numerous touch points that can assist users in achieving their objectives, the majority of users expect to have a guide to follow.

🗺 · People have different reading habits. Some read, some skim, and some likes to clicking around.

WeGuide patient engagement participant app

The participant app is white-labeled so businesses can have their branding while engaging their patients or trial participants. The app allows end users to provide feedback and stay active with the programs.

⚠️ Due to privacy reasons, some analytic numbers are not allowed to show in public as well as clients’ identity.

Project Goal

Design advanced functionalities to collect rich data

Participants now can set goal with their clinicians and also took photos and videos directly in the app.

Project Timeframe

Sep. 2021 - Jan 2023

The app continues to evolve. We launch new interfaces on 2022, and keeps adding new functionalities to help healthcare facilities collect rich data.

Role & Responsibilities

Product designer

Research, design, prototype, handoff, and sometimes writing acceptance criteria.

Project focus

🎨 Designed new functionalities

💅 Maintained design system

🛠 Supported QA with edgy cases design

🏠 Assisted team to create white label asset

shipped Functionalities

1 Video and photo question types

Participants can take recording in the app, or upload an existing recording instead.

2 Magic link

No more password recovery process.

3 Third-party integration

Apple health and Garmin wearable integration.

4 PIN code & Biometric login

An extra layer of protection to ensure data privacy.

5 Multiple questions in one view

Old data collection instruments required the electronic data capture to micmic the paper form.

Magic link decreased the login time by ##% and reduced support tickets by ##%.

Video and photo question types fostered thousands of recording with minimal support tickets.

Apple healthkit integration opens up wearable market.

PIN code and Biometric login amplify product focus on security.

White-label product in action. Clients can set their own brand color, onboarding illustration and content, and app icon.

Overall key results

👍 SUS score: ##, rated Excellent

🙌 App rated 4.5+/5 by participants

🤑 Secure a tender worth $$$ USD.

Other functionalities that I’ve worked on

1 Interfaces for young age group

We designed another version of our app to cater the audience that are 12 to 18 years old.

2 Advanced goal setting

Optimized the current goal settings functionality by letting participants view their progress and previous data

3 Trial participant recruitment

Participants can sign the consent form right in the app with a video call with the study administrator.

4 Health monitoring

Clinicians can set schedules for their patients’ treatments and participant can set reminders of their own.

5 Program communication methods

Clinicians can engage with patients via video chat. Invites can be send by the clinician via the portal.