


BreathEasy is a patient engagement app for asthma patient interacting with their GP.


We would like to provide a way for patient to log in their symptoms if any so GPs can easily monitor and intervene in time. However, sometimes symptoms come really fast, and when the patient is young and unable to communicate, it's important for people around them to act immediately, therefore a clear first aid kit can instruct helpers to help patient relieve symptoms effectively while waiting for the ambulance.

First aid kit and user profile

First aid kit and user profile

First aid kit and user profile

Home view and lauch screen

Home view and lauch screen

Home view and lauch screen

User journey and interaction details

User journey and interaction details

User journey and interaction details

Action plan detail page and resources

Action plan detail page and resources

Action plan detail page and resources

Action plan overview

Action plan overview

Action plan overview

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